[Tp-legal] REMINDER: Nächste Sitzung der AG Legal am 22. Oktober
Genêt, Philippe
P.Genet at dnb.de
Mo Okt 28 14:59:09 CET 2024
Dear Paweł,
thanks for your suggestions!
1. I just spoke to Peter about the LLLD-publication (he wants to reach out to Benjamin Raue about a possible publication in Recht & Zugang). We both don’t see anything that would hinder parallel publication in both journals. So: green lights from our side. Do you need any help or can you handle the additional input with your CLIC colleagues?
2. I agree on all three points. A quick one-pager about LLM-training would be very valuable material e.g. for the web portal. And a paper about the CARE principles would also fill a gap that became very obvious to the Zwischenbericht writing group. And, finally, I totally agree with not imposing a new data transfer agreement. Guidelines, a checklist or even good practice examples (by Text+ Centres, if possible) would do the trick (and serve as very helpful content for our website, too).
Seems to me that this traces the path ahead, doesn’t it?
Von: Paweł Kamocki [mailto:kamocki at ids-mannheim.de]
Gesendet: Dienstag, 22. Oktober 2024 15:33
An: Genêt, Philippe <P.Genet at dnb.de>
Cc: tp-legal at lists.dnb.de
Betreff: Re: [Tp-legal] REMINDER: Nächste Sitzung der AG Legal am 22. Oktober
Dear Philippe, dear all,
After our meeting today, I suggest the following actions:
1. Regarding the publication of the deliverable: "Recht und Zugang" is good, but I may have an alternative idea (not necessarily mutually exclusive with "Recht und Zugang"). Darja Fiser, the director of CLARIN, brought this call for papers to my attention: https://ojs.letras.up.pt/index.php/LLLD/announcement/view/158. It was advertised via the Corpora list and I suppose the special issue will attract quite a large readership (or, shall I say, viewership) in the community. The desired length (7000-8000 words) is almost exactly the length of our deliverable (ca. 8500 with references). However, to be interesting to a broader audience, the paper should include some comparative law (perspectives from other national laws). I thought that maybe some members of the CLARIN Legal Issues Committee could help us out, and together we could turn this into a joint CLARIN/Text+ paper. What do you think? Hopefully, the CLIC people could do most of the work required to turn it into an acceptable submission for this call (which I assume is not much anyway). The deadline is November 15, which is tight, but feasible (if the task is simply adapting an existing paper).
2. Regarding our future work, I suggest we publish a short (no more than 1 page) statement on LLM training under the TDM exception, also to counteract an opposing view which is gaining some traction in our community. Why just a short statement and not a full deliverable? The area is evolving so fast that if we take the next 6 months to prepare a deliverable, it will already be outdated (e.g., the legal aspects of training data regurgitation only started being seriously discussed this year -- next months will certainly bring new subjects). We could hopefully finalise it by our next meeting in November.
Our next deliverable, as suggested by Gianna and José (and supported by all those present at the meeting) could be on the CARE principles (BTW, there is an ELSA Working Group on CARE principles, too, which we could liaise with).
We are more sceptical about the feasability of templates for data transfer agreements, and for several reasons: 1) (some) institutions already have their templates which they are not willing to abandon; 2) every data transfer situation is different and aiming at a one-size-fits-all template could oversimplify complex cases or over-complicate simple cases; 3) last but not least, drafting a template is a purely legal task, and the strength of our AG is in bringing together legal and technical skills. With that said, we could adopt some guidelines (or checklists) for data transfers.
Please let me know what you think.
Kind regards,
On Tue, 15 Oct 2024 at 07:14, Genêt, Philippe <P.Genet at dnb.de<mailto:P.Genet at dnb.de>> wrote:
Liebe Kolleg*innen,
die nächste Sitzung der AG Legal findet statt am kommenden Dienstag, den 22. Oktober 2024, um 11 Uhr in diesem Zoom-Raum: https://zoom.us/j/93357206007?pwd=SVVDNFFyTTJkYmp3cGlKeElTS3JqUT09
Vermutlich wird bis dahin das Deliverable C2.3 (hier<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LOXBVQ5tTfGTdvkF3rk8abZgVd3DvfzPrbN8XEfkBYU/edit>) final sein. Dazu eine Info, weil Peter und ich nicht dabei sein können: Peter wollte Benjamin Raue ansprechen, ob das Deliverable in der „Recht und Zugang“ veröffentlicht werden kann. Diese Info würde ich gerne noch abwarten, bevor ich das Dokument woanders (Zenodo, z.B.) hochlade.
Und zwei Anregungen:
- Auf dem Plenary waren LLMs das Schwerpunktthema – gibt es hier vielleicht Bedarf an rechtlicher/ethischer Unterstützung durch die AG Legal?
- Und wie steht es mit Datenübernahmevereinbarungen – wäre eine Art Mustervertrag für die Text+ Zentren sinnvoll/machbar?
Ich wäre dankbar, wenn jemand die Ergebnisse der Diskussion protokollieren könnte!
Danke & Liebe Grüße
Philippe Genêt
Koordinator DNB at Text+
Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
Fachbereich Informationsinfrastruktur
Adickesallee 1
60322 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon: +49 69 1525-1847
E-Mail: p.genet at dnb.de<mailto:p.genet at dnb.de>
Tp-legal mailing list
Tp-legal at lists.dnb.de<mailto:Tp-legal at lists.dnb.de>
Pawel Kamocki
Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache
Telefon: +49-1581-466
Mobil: +33 668076550
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