[Tp-legal] REMINDER: Nächste Sitzung der AG Legal am 22. Oktober

Paweł Kamocki kamocki at ids-mannheim.de
Di Okt 29 09:29:53 CET 2024

Dear Philippe, all,

I knew that great minds think alike!

For now, I just need a green light from the group (in particular from those
who contributed to the deliverable, but I interpret their silence as
consent :)) to re-use the deliverable for a new submission. I will take it
from there with my CLIC colleagues. However, the journal is likely to have
comments, at which point I may need some input from the AG. But we will
cross this bridge when we come to it, won't we.

Kind regards,

On Mon, 28 Oct 2024 at 14:59, Genêt, Philippe <P.Genet at dnb.de> wrote:

> Dear Paweł,
> thanks for your suggestions!
> 1.    I just spoke to Peter about the LLLD-publication (he wants to reach
> out to Benjamin Raue about a possible publication in Recht & Zugang). We
> both don’t see anything that would hinder parallel publication in both
> journals. So: green lights from our side. Do you need any help or can you
> handle the additional input with your CLIC colleagues?
> 2.    I agree on all three points. A quick one-pager about LLM-training
> would be very valuable material e.g. for the web portal. And a paper about
> the CARE principles would also fill a gap that became very obvious to the
> Zwischenbericht writing group. And, finally, I totally agree with not
> imposing a new data transfer agreement. Guidelines, a checklist or even
> good practice examples (by Text+ Centres, if possible) would do the trick
> (and serve as very helpful content for our website, too).
> Seems to me that this traces the path ahead, doesn’t it?
> Cheers
> Philippe
> *Von:* Paweł Kamocki [mailto:kamocki at ids-mannheim.de]
> *Gesendet:* Dienstag, 22. Oktober 2024 15:33
> *An:* Genêt, Philippe <P.Genet at dnb.de>
> *Cc:* tp-legal at lists.dnb.de
> *Betreff:* Re: [Tp-legal] REMINDER: Nächste Sitzung der AG Legal am 22.
> Oktober
> Dear Philippe, dear all,
> After our meeting today, I suggest the following actions:
> 1. Regarding the publication of the deliverable: "Recht und Zugang" is
> good, but I may have an alternative idea (not necessarily mutually
> exclusive with "Recht und Zugang"). Darja Fiser, the director of CLARIN,
> brought this call for papers to my attention:
> https://ojs.letras.up.pt/index.php/LLLD/announcement/view/158. It was
> advertised via the Corpora list and I suppose the special issue will
> attract quite a large readership (or, shall I say, viewership) in the
> community. The desired length (7000-8000 words) is almost exactly the
> length of our deliverable (ca. 8500 with references). However, to be
> interesting to a broader audience, the paper should include some
> comparative law (perspectives from other national laws). I thought that
> maybe some members of the CLARIN Legal Issues Committee could help us out,
> and together we could turn this into a joint CLARIN/Text+ paper. What do
> you think? Hopefully, the CLIC people could do most of the work required to
> turn it into an acceptable submission for this call (which I assume is not
> much anyway). The deadline is November 15, which is tight, but feasible (if
> the task is simply adapting an existing paper).
> 2. Regarding our future work, I suggest we publish a short (no more than 1
> page) statement on LLM training under the TDM exception, also to counteract
> an opposing view which is gaining some traction in our community. Why just
> a short statement and not a full deliverable? The area is evolving so fast
> that if we take the next 6 months to prepare a deliverable, it will already
> be outdated (e.g., the legal aspects of training data regurgitation only
> started being seriously discussed this year -- next months will certainly
> bring new subjects). We could hopefully finalise it by our next meeting in
> November.
> Our next deliverable, as suggested by Gianna and José (and supported by
> all those present at the meeting) could be on the CARE principles (BTW,
> there is an ELSA Working Group on CARE principles, too, which we could
> liaise with).
> We are more sceptical about the feasability of templates for data transfer
> agreements, and for several reasons: 1) (some) institutions already have
> their templates which they are not willing to abandon; 2) every data
> transfer situation is different and aiming at a one-size-fits-all template
> could oversimplify complex cases or over-complicate simple cases; 3) last
> but not least, drafting a template is a purely legal task, and the strength
> of our AG is in bringing together legal and technical skills. With that
> said, we could adopt some guidelines (or checklists) for data transfers.
> Please let me know what you think.
> Kind regards,
> Paweł
> On Tue, 15 Oct 2024 at 07:14, Genêt, Philippe <P.Genet at dnb.de> wrote:
> Liebe Kolleg*innen,
> die nächste Sitzung der AG Legal findet statt am kommenden *Dienstag, den
> 22. Oktober 2024, um 11 Uhr* in diesem Zoom-Raum:
> https://zoom.us/j/93357206007?pwd=SVVDNFFyTTJkYmp3cGlKeElTS3JqUT09
> Vermutlich wird bis dahin das Deliverable C2.3 (hier
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LOXBVQ5tTfGTdvkF3rk8abZgVd3DvfzPrbN8XEfkBYU/edit>)
> final sein. Dazu eine Info, weil Peter und ich nicht dabei sein können:
> Peter wollte Benjamin Raue ansprechen, ob das Deliverable in der „Recht und
> Zugang“ veröffentlicht werden kann. Diese Info würde ich gerne noch
> abwarten, bevor ich das Dokument woanders (Zenodo, z.B.) hochlade.
> Und zwei Anregungen:
> -      Auf dem Plenary waren LLMs das Schwerpunktthema – gibt es hier
> vielleicht Bedarf an rechtlicher/ethischer Unterstützung durch die AG
> Legal?
> -      Und wie steht es mit Datenübernahmevereinbarungen – wäre eine Art
> Mustervertrag für die Text+ Zentren sinnvoll/machbar?
> Ich wäre dankbar, wenn jemand die Ergebnisse der *Diskussion
> protokollieren* könnte!
> Danke & Liebe Grüße
> Philippe
> --
> Philippe Genêt
> Koordinator DNB at Text+
> Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
> Fachbereich Informationsinfrastruktur
> Adickesallee 1
> 60322 Frankfurt am Main
> Telefon: +49 69 1525-1847
> E-Mail: p.genet at dnb.de
> text-plus.org <http://www.text-plus.org/>
> dnb.de <http://www.dnb.de/>
> --
> Tp-legal mailing list
> Tp-legal at lists.dnb.de
> https://lists.dnb.de/mailman/listinfo/tp-legal
> --
> Pawel Kamocki
> Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache
> Telefon: +49-1581-466
> Mobil: +33 668076550

Pawel Kamocki
Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache
Telefon: +49-1581-466
Mobil: +33 668076550
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