Antw: AW: [Dini-ag-kim-bestandsdaten] Next-generation inter
library loan services
Jörg Prante
prante at
Thu Apr 18 10:08:50 CEST 2013
Hi Carsten!
>>> "Klee, Carsten" <Carsten.Klee at> schrieb am
18.04.2013 um 8.03
Uhr in Nachricht
<F92C45C191C9FB4281F352EB52DFA7AD08561AEB at>:
> Hi Jörg!
> Can you provide a document with more information on the 'library
> descriptors'?
Yes, I will. Please be patient, I need a few days.
> It's not that easy to figure out what you trying to achieve.
I try a achieve to supersede the mixture of german union catalog
holding information, plus I want to extend them by aggregation and inter
library loan matching algorithms. Think of patron questions like "I have
an article author and a title and a year, which library in germany can
provide it to me by the fastest service possible, and if it's not
available per inter library loan, how to obtain it". Service descriptors
allow to answer this query in a single query. Think of a massive line of
"Journals online and print" requests but as a data model, not as an API
> Is
> there a relation to Jakobs Simple Service Status Ontology (SSSO) [1]
> Document Service Ontology (DSO) [2]?
No, they are too general. For example, inter library loan knows at
least three different methods of loaning which today are encoded in MAB:
'loan', 'copy-loan', 'copy-no-loan', and in future there is also
'electronic copy'. I have elements in mind specifically for material and
access services in the domain of libraries, archives, and museums. The
domain is equivalent to the domain of Europeana (or and others)
that use RDF and CC0 content. Other domains are hard to get linked to
because thay may not be open to the public.
> What do you think, this group should concentrate on? What should be
> scope of a Holdings-Ontology?
>From my understanding, it is planned to design an RDF element set and
vocabulary (= RDF ontology) for describing item attributes, and how
items relate to other entities, with emphasis to RDA and Bibframe.
Such an effort can be useful to refine RDA (2.19 "Identifier for the
Item" is quite short, also chapter 28 "Related Items", so my
understanding is that RDA does not yet describe possible item attributes
in detail and how item attributes could be used for recording
machine-actionable services) and to contribute to Bibframe (suggesting a
data model of library items and item access that can be encoded in RDF
and that is designed for running local delivery and inter library loan
The process of accumulating items for union catalogs should be
encouraged, in order to help breaking our library catalog silos.
Best regards,
Jörg Prante
hbz, Gruppe Portale
- Digitale Bibliothek und Online-Fernleihe -
Postfach 270451, 50510 Köln, Deutschland
Telefon +49-221-40075-156, Fax +49-221-40075-190
prante at
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