Antw: [Dini-ag-kim-bestandsdaten] How to model holding record
Jörg Prante
prante at
Wed Nov 6 11:24:08 CET 2013
Hi Carsten,
for maintaining bibliographic data sets in the semantic web I'd suggest
using W3C provenance information.
First, it should be checked if the data set can be maintained with a
single provenance information, or if each and every entity in the set
really needs duplicated provenance information too (might be tedious,
and RDF could also infer this information).
Second, if appropriate, check if W3C documents and the mapping to DC can be applied.
There are comments about dct:created and dct:modified and more regarding
their mapping to the prov ontology. But it certainly needs more
re-thinking of the methods of recording events in a library catalog.
For example, the event of exporting holdings from a catalog could be
registered as a prov:Entity instance, with the current timestamp and the
involved prov:Agent, and added to a list of versions of exported
holdings. Same holds for other bibliographic data. By keeping such
provenance info, it should be straightforward to derive the information
for SPARQL endpoints, LOD download services, OAI sets, SRU, and so on.
Similarly, while data is imported into a union catalog, many cataloging
events could be considered as provenance information, with the
cataloging library as prov:Agent.
For the beginning, it should not be too complicated, some prov
attributes may suffice (prov is a really powerful ontology).
Best regards,
>>> "Klee, Carsten" <Carsten.Klee at> schrieb am
06.11.2013 um 9.26
Uhr in Nachricht
<F92C45C191C9FB4281F352EB52DFA7AD085DA53F at>:
> Hi everyone!
> After publishing a first draft for the Holding Ontology [1], I'm
trying to
> see how our data fits into the ontology. Here's my first example in
> [2], RDFXML [3] and JSON-LD [4] all generated from MARC records with
> [5].
> Furthermore I also like to transport the typical holding record
> like the date of creation and revision of the holding record.
> What I'm imagining is something like:
> $Item dcterms:description $HoldingRecord .
> $HoldingRecord
> a dcterms:BibliographicResource ;
> dcterms:created "2003-04-10" ;
> dcterms:modified "2009-12-22" .
> Is this good practice? I think this should not be part of the Holding
> Ontology, right?
> Cheers,
> Carsten
> [1] <>
> [2]
> 10.ttl>
> [3]
> 10.xml>
> [4]
> 10.jsonld>
> [5] <>
> _______________________________________________
> Carsten Klee
> Abt. Überregionale Bibliographische Dienste IIE
> Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz
> Potsdamer Straße 33
> 10785 Berlin
> Fon: +49 30 266-43 44 02
> Fax: +49 30 266-33 40 01
> carsten.klee at
> _______________________________________________
> Dini-ag-kim-bestandsdaten mailing list
> Dini-ag-kim-bestandsdaten at
Jörg Prante
hbz, Gruppe Portale
- Digitale Bibliothek und Online-Fernleihe -
Postfach 270451, 50510 Köln, Deutschland
Telefon +49-221-40075-156, Fax +49-221-40075-190
prante at
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