[Dini-ag-kim-bestandsdaten] Definition and scope of Holding
Owen Stephens
owen at ostephens.com
Wed Apr 24 11:31:52 CEST 2013
Two of the definitions proposed on the wiki (https://wiki.dnb.de/display/DINIAGKIM/Definition+of+Holding) include the concept that a 'holding' can describe not just a single resource/document but a collection or group of resources/documents/items
"Group of data elements describing one institution’s copies of a bibliographic resource or group of like or similar bibliographic resources"
Carsten: "A description of one agents inventory and access information for a item or collection of items."
This makes me wonder about the relation between Holdings and Collection Level Descriptions. It might be worth looking at Gordon Dunsire's work on CLD Use Case for the W3C LLD incubator
Owen Stephens
Owen Stephens Consulting
Web: http://www.ostephens.com
Email: owen at ostephens.com
Telephone: 0121 288 6936
On 24 Apr 2013, at 08:48, Philipp Zumstein <philipp.zumstein at bib.uni-mannheim.de> wrote:
> Hi *,
> I see three different aspects for "holding":
> 1) general holding information
> 2) service portfolio
> 3) current status
> Examples for 1) are call number, location on a shelf, bill number, acquisition date, corresponding title, and "owner" of an item.
> Examples for 2) are: on spot consultation, borrow for 3 weeks with possible extension, copy/scan service, inter-library loan. Moreover, most of the services are restricted to some persons (e.g. students, faculty, libraries) and they may also be restricted to a time period (e.g. duration of an exposition, or PDF with DRM).
> Examples for 3) are: available/not available, on the loan, stolen, not on the shelf, loan possible at the moment?.
> It would be nice to model all three aspects. Also it might be a challenge to give up-to-date information for aspect 3). By the way, I think with most of the "holding" definition are not perfect. For example with patron driven acquisition (PDA), you are not "holding" the items (you haven't bought the ebooks yet), still you provide a service to your users. Another example is a database, which you are not the owner of, but still you provide a service to your costumer (maybe for a limited time).
> Best regards,
> Philipp
> Am 22.04.2013 13:14, schrieb Klee, Carsten:
>> Hi everyone!
>> I would like to keep the discussion ongoing. Maybe we can discuss the definition and scope of a holding al little bit more.
>> Just a reminder: I created a wiki page [1] about the definition of a holding. Till now there is still one definition from the ISO 20775, which is very a library definition.
>> I would like to suggest another one, hoping this one is more abstract:
>> Holding: A description of one agents inventory and access information for a item or collection of items.
>> I chose 'agent' because of foaf:Agent [2], which subsumes Organisation, Group and Person. With 'inventory' I'm not sure, but the word 'holding' in a definition of 'holding' seems to be bad. Then I chose 'item' not 'document'. Item relates to frbr:Item [3] but I'm not totally sure about this.
>> Now about the scope of holding. Owen Stephens asked earlier if we're going "[...] represent solely the ownership of things by a library (or other organisation/person) or some other aspects (such as their current location which could include 'on loan to person X')".
>> I would like to suggest that we stick with the idea of micro-ontologies. Meaning: If possible and applicable move every complex aspect to another ontology. And I think the information 'on loan to person X' is such an aspect. But this is just my thought about this. As I said, maybe we can come to a discussion about it.
>> Cheers!
>> Carsten
>> [1] <https://wiki.dnb.de/display/DINIAGKIM/Definition+of+Holding>
>> [2] <http://xmlns.com/foaf/spec/#term_Agent>
>> [3] <http://vocab.org/frbr/core.html#Item>
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> --
> Dr. Philipp Zumstein
> Universitätsbibliothek Mannheim
> Fachreferat Mathematik und Informatik
> Schloss Schneckenhof West / 68131 Mannheim
> Tel. 0621/181-3067 bzw. 3006
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