AW: AW: [datenformate] MABXML

Pascal Christoph christoph at
Tue Feb 14 11:18:30 CET 2012

Hello John,

we have documented our efforts[0] in mapping MAB to LOD in our wiki[1] . The
mapping is a continuous process and, as you can see, the documentation is a bit
out of date. But we decided deliberately to not invest so much time in
documentating our efforts. Rather, we will make our programs open source so
that that will be self-explaining.

I am curious why someone not out of a German speaking country (is this
assumption right?) is using MAB. Almost all people outside German and Austria I
met had never heard about MAB. What is your background, what happened that you
work with MAB, if I am allowed to ask?

greetings from Cologne regional library network "hbz",


be aware that some fields in MAB are freely used, that is: there semantics will
change from source to source. MAB != MAB as I wont to say ;)

 Pascal Christoph M.A.
- Linked Open Data -
hbz - Hochschulbibliothekszentrum NRW
Postfach 270451
50510 Köln
Telefon +49-221-40075-139
E-Mail: christoph at

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