[Tp-reference] WG: Towards Metadata Harmonization within the NFDI - Invitation to NFDI Metadata Workshop 14./15.01.2025 in Dresden

Genêt, Philippe P.Genet at dnb.de
Di Nov 26 08:55:49 CET 2024

Liebe Kolleg:innen,

unten stehende Einladung sende ich euch als den Metadata Experts aus Text+ Collections weiter und würde mich freuen, wenn sich eine:r (oder mehrere) von euch für diese wichtige Aufgabe begeistern kann.

Liebe Grüße

Von: Koepler, Oliver <Oliver.Koepler at tib.eu>
Gesendet: Dienstag, 19. November 2024 16:23
An: dir-mgt at lists.nfdi.de; dir-spk-all at lists.nfdi.de
Cc: section-metadata-tf-meta at lists.nfdi.de
Betreff: [NFDI dir-mgt]  Towards Metadata Harmonization within the NFDI - Invitation to NFDI Metadata Workshop 14./15.01.2025 in Dresden

Dear Colleagues,

Both the goals of the BLV and the mission of the refined NFDI Strategy 25/26 envisage to works towards overarching NFDI metadata standards.
The Task Force Metadata of the section Metadata has initiated a process to tackle these goals together. We therefore cordially invite your consortium, represented by your metadata experts, to the NFDI Metadata Workshop on 14./15.01.2025 in Dresden.

The workshop is the kick-off event of a workshop series to address the goals of the BLV and the mission of the refined NFDI Strategy 25/26 to

·         to create  a  portfolio  of  metadata  standards and  thus  lay  the  foundation  for  a  comprehensive implementation  of  the  FAIR  principles  in  the  consortia.

·         to  develop  criteria  for deciding which metadata standards are mandatory or optional to be applied in the NFDI.

·         to ensure a cross-consortia metadata standard improves the accessibility of research data in researchers’ day-to-day work.

More – online - workshops will follow in 2025 to extend the outreach of the discussions needed.

The Workshop will further discuss NFDI-wide recommendation for the registration and continuous updating of research data repositories in re3data and prepare it for submission to the KV with input from the consortia.
Please find more information and the registration here: https://www.nfdi.de/workshop-metadata-2025/ 

We kindly ask you to forward the invitation to the relevant metadata representatives of your consortium. Registration is possible until 11 December.

If you have questions, please contact us at section-metadata-tf-meta at lists.nfdi.de

Best wishes,
Oliver Koepler
for the Task Force Metadata of Section Metadata

Dr. rer. nat. Oliver Koepler
TIB – Leibniz Informationzentrum Technik und Naturwissenschaften und Universitätsbibliothek Bereichsleitung Lab Linked Scientific Knowledge Forschung und Entwicklung Welfengarten 1 B // 30167 Hannover T 0511 762-3449 oliver.koepler at tib.eu<mailto:oliver.koepler at tib.eu>

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