[Lds] ideas/recommendations for JSON-LD serializations

Thomas Gängler thomas.gaengler at slub-dresden.de
Mi Apr 25 12:46:35 CEST 2018

Hello Adrian,

thanks for popping in again.

On 04/24/2018 04:48 PM, Adrian Pohl wrote:
> Actually, you can use the lobid API to download dumps as gzip with the 
> gzip content header and using the format=bulk parameter, e.g. for ZDB data:
> $ curl --header "Accept-Encoding: gzip" 
> "http://lobid.org/resources/search?q=inCollection.id%3A%22http%3A%2F%2Flobid.org%2Fresources%2FHT014846970%23%21%22&format=bulk" 
>  > zdb.gz

this is pretty cool.

> See also the API documentation at [6].

yeah, at a first glance, the bulk download option is a bit hidden in 
your documentation (but I guess offering bulk downloads is not your 
primary use case, or? ;) )

> And you can also fetch updates for a date range, e.g. by adding " AND 
> describedBy.dateModified:[20180403 TO 
> 20180405]+OR+describedBy.dateCreated:[20180403 TO 20180405]" to the 
> query parameter.

this is also pretty cool.

> Same goes for lobid-organisations but for lobid-gnd we still have to add 
> modification dates and bulk request support (see [7] & [8]).

looking forward to gnd bulk request support.

Albeit, this still lefts a general question, why is HBZ doing/offering 
services that should be offered by DNB itself? ;)



PS: @Jana: in [1] is the code from HBZ guys, where a rather generic 
N-Triples to nested JSON-LD records converter is included - I guess, 
this is probably what you are looking for, or?


Thomas Gängler
Knowledge Engineer
Referat Lokale Informationssysteme

Sächsische Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden 
Abteilung IT, Referat 2.2
01054 Dresden
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Tel.: +49 351 4677 204 | Fax: +49 351 4677 123
E-Mail: Thomas.Gaengler at slub-dresden.de

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