[Lds] ideas/recommendations for JSON-LD serializations

Thomas Gängler thomas.gaengler at slub-dresden.de
Di Apr 24 12:02:24 CEST 2018

Hello Jana,

thanks a lot for the 'heads up' in this discussion ;)

and +1 that you probably like to implement some of the proposed suggestions.

On 04/24/2018 10:21 AM, Hentschke, Jana wrote:
> We are currently serializing with org.openrdf.sesame (2.8.1) where configuration options about JSON-LD seem sparse. Do you (people on this list) have any experience to share about other libraries that do a good job in that respect?

 From my experience so far in this field, I guess, it's probably best to 
write an own JSON-LD serializer (ideally in streaming fashion ;) ) that 
features all proposed suggestions (I think lobid guys do it in a similar 
way, or?). However, this (probably) requires that you need to have all 
data (in an object model/representation) in-memory before, to have 
access to all necessary sub-entities (that should be included*), while 
creating the comprehensive objects of the bibliographic resources.



*) there you need to define this set before (e.g. bnodes + URL and label 
of real other resources)

Thomas Gängler
Knowledge Engineer
Referat Lokale Informationssysteme

Sächsische Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden 
Abteilung IT, Referat 2.2
01054 Dresden
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E-Mail: Thomas.Gaengler at slub-dresden.de

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