[Lds] ideas/recommendations for JSON-LD serializations
Thomas Gängler
thomas.gaengler at slub-dresden.de
Mo Apr 23 15:55:19 CEST 2018
Hi Adrian,
thanks a lot for your proper "pitch" for lobid ;)
of course, we are a aware of the lobid services and it's also always a
huge inspiration for us. However, right now for our use case we are
looking for complete dumps of GND etc. - so yes, it's cool that lobid
offers some of the proposed features, but since you do not offer dumps
of your data, it's not applicable for or use case (where performance
*) I know, this somehow destroys the vision of distributed data
available via the web, but at the end performance matters (and then you
often need the data locally available (e.g. via a search index))
On 04/23/2018 01:19 PM, Adrian Pohl wrote:
> Hello Thomas,
> I am responding as we also provide ZDB and GND data as well as data from
> the German ISIL registry via lobid and already offer most of the things
> you are asking for. So, you may want to give it a try.
> Generally, lobid-gnd is available via https://lobid.org/gnd and is still
> in beta, amongst others because we haven't implemented yet adding labels
> for embedded nodes (see [1] and its prerequisite [2]).
> ZDB data is available as part of lobid-resources at
> https://lobid.org/resources. You have to filter by collection to get all
> ZDB resources. [3] Note that the RDF representation of ZDB resources,
> though very similar, differs from that by the ZDB itself, see an
> annotated example at [4].
> And if you are also interested in ISIL data (Adressverzeichniss der
> ZDB), then go to lobid-organisations: https://lobid.org/organisations.
> On 19.04.2018 14:14, Thomas Gängler wrote:
>> Hello,
>> currently, we process some JSON-LD dumps (e.g. ZDB and GND) from data
>> available via DNB. Our observations while processing them are following:
>> 1. It would be nice, if you could provide line-delimited JSON [1]
>> records (instead of one large JSON object/array (as it is the case
>> right now))
> We already provide JSON Lines [5] for lobid-organisations and
> lobid-resources, see [6]. We will also add it for lobid-gnd.
>> 2. It would be nice, if the JSON-LD records could be provided in
>> compact JSON-LD [2] (instead of the extended format (as it is the case
>> right now)) + referenced @context* (instead of inline @context)
> All lobid services provide compacted JSON-LD with a referenced @context.
>> 3. It would be nice, if the (compact) JSON-LD records contain all
>> sub-entities (i.e. there are no separate bnodes, but (if necessary)
>> hierarchical entities), cf. [4], [5] or similar (instead of separate
>> bnode objects in the same hierarchy level (as it is the case right now))
> lobid provides JSON-LD documents with one root node and with all other
> nodes embedded in the hierarchy. (This was a main reason and major
> improvement in our move from lobid 1.x to the new version.) We don't add
> the whole data on an embedded node but only provide a label for display
> purposes. (As said above, we are still working on implementing this in
> lobid-gnd.) Further data must be fetched from the linked resource.
>> We believe that all recommended changes will lead to a better
>> usability of the provided JSON-LD data. Hence, we and probably other
>> data consumers of the DNB datasets will be happy, if you could
>> implement our proposed ideas.
> I agree.
> All the best
> Adrian
> [1] https://github.com/hbz/lobid-gnd/issues/24
> [2] https://github.com/hbz/lobid-gnd/issues/85
> [3]
> http://lobid.org/resources/search?q=inCollection.id%3A%22http%3A%2F%2Flobid.org%2Fresources%2FHT014846970%23%21%22&size=10
> [4] http://lobid.org/resources/api#periodikum
> [5] http://jsonlines.org/
> [6] http://lobid.org/resources/api#content_types
>> Best regards,
>> Thomas
>> *) referenced context requires that you probably need to provide/host
>> the context documents at DNB (instead of, e.g., ZDB Github account [3])
>> [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSON_streaming#Line_delimited_JSON
>> [2] https://www.w3.org/TR/json-ld-api/#compaction
>> [3] https://github.com/Zeitschriftendatenbank/jsonld-context
>> [4] https://www.w3.org/Submission/CBD/
>> [5] Minimum Spanning Graph:
>> http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cpe.1623/pdf
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Thomas Gängler
Knowledge Engineer
Referat Lokale Informationssysteme
Sächsische Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden
Abteilung IT, Referat 2.2
01054 Dresden
Besucheradresse: Zellescher Weg 18, Zimmer C+2.01, 01069 Dresden
Tel.: +49 351 4677 204 | Fax: +49 351 4677 123
E-Mail: Thomas.Gaengler at slub-dresden.de
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