[Lds] DNB RDF dumps loaded into a triplestore
Thomas Gängler
thomas.gaengler at slub-dresden.de
Die Feb 2 09:52:43 CET 2016
Hi all,
is there anyone out there who did load successfully the DNB RDF dumps
into a triplestore? - If yes, how was your experience? For example,
which triplestore did you utilise? Which version of the triplestore?
Which operating system? Which version of the DNB RDF dump? Which
serialisation of the DNB RDF dump?
Thanks a lot in advance for all your help.
Best regards,
Thomas Gängler
Knowledge Engineer
Referat Lokale Informationssysteme
Sächsische Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden
Abteilung IT, Referat 2.2
01054 Dresden
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Tel.: +49 351 4677 204 | Fax: +49 351 4677 123
E-Mail: Thomas.Gaengler at slub-dresden.de