[gnd-ontology] Import labels of identifiers from external namespaces?

Arndt, Susanne Susanne.Arndt at tib.eu
Do Nov 7 16:14:06 CET 2024

Hi everyone,


a colleague of mine asked whether it was possible to introduce the labels of
external identifiers used in the GND ontology along with these identifiers?
E.g. for http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/c/C10005. Without the labels or
equivalence relations, these elements remain somewhat unexaplained for human
readers and need to be looked up externally from e.g. ontology editors like


Thanks and all the best,


Susanne Arndt


Susanne Arndt, M.A.
Scientific Service

TIB – Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology and University

Welfengarten 1 B // 30167 Hannover

 <mailto:susanne.arndt at tib.eu> susanne.arndt at tib.eu
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<https://terminology.tib.eu/ts> https://terminology.tib.eu/ts 

TIB is a public-law foundation of the Federal State of Lower Saxony. In
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Informationsbibliothek (TIB)” (TIBstiftG ND), its name is “Technische
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