[gnd-ontology] New version of the GND Ontology available
Adrian Pohl
pohl at hbz-nrw.de
Fre Jan 17 10:59:38 CET 2014
we are currently frequently fetching the GND RDF data via OAI-PMH to
index it in elasticsearch and provide it via the linked open data API of
our service lobid.[1] The lobid API - amongst other data sources -
provides access to GND authority data via the /person endpoint (only
resources of type gnd:Person) and the /subject endpoint (the whole GND).
Feel free to play around with the API. Examples on how to provide
API-based auto suggest functions with JavaScript are provided on the API
As we index and provide JSON-LD in lobid, we created a JSON-LD context
for the GND ontology (half-automatically, using a Python script by
Niklas Lindström, see [2]). If you are interested, you can find the GND
JSON-LD context at [3].
Lars: As we will need to adjust the context document to the recent
changes, I would like to know: When will the changes to the ontology be
reflected in the GND data?
All the best
[1] http://api.lobid.org
[2] https://gist.github.com/niklasl/2770154
Adrian Pohl
- Linked Open Data -
hbz - Hochschulbibliothekszentrum des Landes NRW
Tel: (+49)(0)221 - 400 75 235
>>> On 16.1.2014 at 11:15, "Svensson, Lars" <L.Svensson at dnb.de> wrote:
> We are proud to announce a new version of the GND Ontology (GNDO)
> Major changes:
> * Added rdfs:isDefinedBy to all classes and properties
> * Added alignments to SKOS
> * Changed hierarchy of broader/narrower term
> * Fixed incorrect supertype for gndo:definition (now a subproperty of
> dcterms:definition, not of foaf:depiction)
> * Deprecated gndo:StartingOrFinalPointOfADistance (with a capital S)
> introduced gndo:startingOrFinalPointOfADistance (with a minor s)
> * Specified that gndo:relatedTerm is also a owl:SymmetricProperty
> * Deprecated the property gndo:addition
> * Deprecated the property gndo:epithetGenericNameTitleOrTerritory
> * Added new datatype property gndo:nameAddition
> * Introduced new class hierarchy for gndo:NameOfThePerson
> The GNDO is part of the linked data activities at the German National
> Library (Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, DNB). More information about
the DNB
> linked data service is available at [2] and about the Integrated
> File (GND) at [3].
> [1] http://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd
> [2] http://www.dnb.de/EN/lds
> [3] http://www.dnb.de/EN/gnd
> Best regards,
> Lars
> *** Lesen. Hören. Wissen. Deutsche Nationalbibliothek ***
> --
> Lars G. Svensson
> Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
> Informationstechnologie
> Telefon: +49-69-1525-1525
> mailto:l.svensson at dnb.de
> http://www.dnb.de