[dini-ag-kim-lld] Linked Library Holdings/Items

Jakob Voss jakob.voss at gbv.de
Fri Oct 14 13:10:44 CEST 2011


I just started to experiment with RDF encoding of information about 
library holdings. Has anyone done something in this direction yet, so we 
can adjust our conceptual models and ontologies?

In my terminology, a holding resource is an "item" as the "Item" entity 
from FRBR. I created an equivalent item class in DAIA ontology and found 
that the FaBiO ontology defines its own subclass of frbr:item. I am not 
sure whether we really need this three classes for library holdings:


In lack of existing RDF properties for library holdings I created


for call numbers and


for a "holding" relationship between item and a library institution. (by 
the way: is "held by proper English or better "hold by"?). Unfortunately 
the international ISIL agency has not defined an URI prefix for ISIL 
yet, so I recommend to use the prefix from lobid.org.

The FaBiO has some more properties that could be used to describe 
library holdings, but I hesitate to reuse purely theoretical ontologies 
from academics that have not been applied to real world library data.

ISO 28560 and its data model could also be helpful, but I don't have a 
copy of it (I think the relevant parts are page 6-12 of ISO 
28560-2:2011). This is the best information I could find:


Do we have URIs for "ONIX media format" and "MARC media format" yet and 
how do you relate an item to its format?

Here are some examples of my current, rudimentary encoding of some 
holding data in RDF (in German):


To get a visual feeling of the underlying RDF graphs, just add 
"?format=svg" to the URIs

I am still looking for good RDF properties to connect an item to the 
library record which is about the item's frbr:Manifestation (or 


Jakob Voß <jakob.voss at gbv.de>, skype: nichtich
Verbundzentrale des GBV (VZG) / Common Library Network
Platz der Goettinger Sieben 1, 37073 Göttingen, Germany
+49 (0)551 39-10242, http://www.gbv.de

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