[Dini-ag-kim-bestandsdaten] WG: [holding-ontology] Relation between
Item and Location (#2)
Klee, Carsten
Carsten.Klee at sbb.spk-berlin.de
Mon Jul 8 13:39:12 CEST 2013
Von: Jakob Voss [mailto:notifications at github.com]
Gesendet: Montag, 8. Juli 2013 13:33
An: cKlee/holding-ontology
Cc: Klee, Carsten
Betreff: Re: [holding-ontology] Relation between Item and Location (#2)
The current (soon outdated) DAIA Ontology includes the class daia:Storage, but this is not fixed yet. Here, an instance of daia:Storage is "place where items are stored" or "a physical location of the item (stacks, floor etc.)". There is an open issue<https://github.com/gbv/daia/issues/4> about the purpose of daia:Storage and how to express current location vs. general location vs. location where an item is made available.
Let me elaborate with an example of an Item (a copy of a document) that is held by an Agent (a library):
$item a holding:Item ;
holding:heldBy $agent .
To obtain the general location (where an item belongs, no matter whether it is actually there at the moment) one could look up the location (address, coordinates..) of $agent. In the case the helding item and the location coincide. If the item is located at a more specific place (e.g. at a specific building), this pattern does not work anymore, so another property may be needed and useful to specify the general location.
To express the current location, one could just use dcterms:spatial.
$item dcterms:spatial $location .
One could also decide not to distinguish "current" and "general" location. E.g. the location of a copy of a book on loan is the library, although the copy is actually at the patron's home.
I am not sure whether this could also be used for digital items. What's the location of a digital copy?
To express the location where an item is made available, one must specify what is meant by "made available". For instance an item can be made available for loan. In this case the location is a property of the loan service event:
$item daia:availableFor $service .
$service a dso:Loan ;
dcterms:spatial $location .
Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub<https://github.com/cKlee/holding-ontology/issues/2#issuecomment-20599617>.
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