[CdV] Fwd: [GLAM] SURVEY: what are your favorite (Wikimedia and content partnerships) tools?
Lucy Patterson
lucy.patterson at wikimedia.de
Mi Dez 21 15:57:09 CET 2022
Hi Coding da Vinci friends!
**Apologies for cross-posting**
For those of you working with the Wikimedia Projects, it'd be amazing if
you could take a look at this survey about content partnership tools from
Wikimedia Sweden / the new international Content Partnership Hub. This
includes everything you might use outside the main Wikimedia stacks for
working in bulk with institutional data - OpenRefine, QuickStatements,
PattyPan etc.
Thanks, and wishing you restful holidays!
All the best
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Sandra Fauconnier <sandra.fauconnier at gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 6 Dec 2022 at 17:46
Subject: [GLAM] SURVEY: what are your favorite (Wikimedia and content
partnerships) tools?
To: North American Cultural Partnerships <glam-us at lists.wikimedia.org>, <
open-glam at lists.wikimedia.org>, Wikimedia & GLAM collaboration [Public] <
glam at lists.wikimedia.org>, <libraries at lists.wikimedia.org>
Hi everyone!
Do you work on content partnerships on Wikimedia projects? Then I invite
you to fill in a survey by Wikimedia Sverige / the Content Partnerships
Hub: *https://forms.gle/RDnzCqPxrqqx9P7T8
The Content Partnerships Hub wants to help to support important tools that
are crucial for Wikimedia content partnerships - maintain them, and make
sure they keep running. To know better which tools we should prioritize, *this
survey asks you: what are your favorite (and most crucial) tools
<https://forms.gle/RDnzCqPxrqqx9P7T8>* to do content partnerships?
The survey runs until January 8, 2023, but we will already do a first
(internal and temporary) review on December 14. Don't wait! Please also
forward this to other Wikimedians, volunteers, and to your GLAM partners.
You can help translate the survey questions to your language; see
instructions at
Thank you, and all the best!
Sandra Fauconnier - with WMSE hat on / User:Sandra Fauconnier (WMSE)
GLAM mailing list -- glam at lists.wikimedia.org
To unsubscribe send an email to glam-leave at lists.wikimedia.org
Dr. Lucy Patterson (she/her)
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